New Best Ever 5-Axis Machining Capabilities with 5XC

New Best Ever 5‑Axis Machining Capabilities with 5XC

5XContinuous represents the “next-generation” of simultaneous 5-Axis machining. 5XContinuous blends the latest innovations in machine tool components with design and CAD/CAM software. These new technologies reduce programming as well as cycle and lead times for complex, 3D, contoured surface die/mold and medical applications by up to 70% – depending upon the application. Simultaneously, 5XContinuous dramatically cuts part costs and extends tool life with enhanced surface finishes and superior precision.  In short, the cutting is better, the programming is better, the tooling runs better and costs are lower.  Watch the video for an in-depth presentation of 5XContinuous machining. 

You can also view a short demonstration of this multi-axis solution by watching Machining a lifter on the D200Z with a barrel cutter.​